Why DFF?
Why was DFF created? Why choose DFF?
Our mission is for our athletes to know that they MATTER.
We want to help build a foundation in their life to know... when they wake up, when they go to school/work, when they live their life, when they succeed, when they fail and especially when they come to our facility... that they MATTER.
We want to be the aspirin to their headache.
We want to help the broken feel a little more whole.
We want to be a place and provide a community around them that even when it is hard for them to come here that they can come and MATTER.
We believe that with our coaches, this facility and community we can change the trajectory of lives because they MATTER.
We want our athletes to believe that they have the ability, the tools, the gifts and the power to MATTER.
Beyond the court. Beyond the field. Beyond the classroom. Beyond the office/workplace. We are on a bigger mission to help change lives. It’s not just about the results, but we do care about coaching to reach true potential. It’s about our athletes knowing that they MATTER.